About AlgorithmicTrading.net
An Established Third Party Trading System Developer With a Rich History Of Providing High Quality Automated Trading Systems

About The Company
AlgorithmicTrading.net’s journey began in August 2013 when it’s lead developer and owner began offering his trading systems to the public. The purpose was to begin offering what he considered to be high quality trading systems to both retail traders and high net worth investors. Richard had been trading the markets off and on since 2001 (with not much success) and quickly realized that minimizing the emotions of trading was the key to success.
In February 2014, the parent company Quant Algorithms LLC was formed. Since then, AlgorithmicTrading.net has been providing what we consider to be robust trading systems to the general public. These automated trading systems place trades on the S&P Emini’s (ES) utilizing a quantitative approach to trading the markets.
Richard Metzger
Lead Developer & Founder of Quant Algorithms LLC
Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering back in 2001 ( computer science emphasis). I’ve worked for Fortune 500 companies as a logic design engineer including Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Qualcomm until 2013 when I decided to start my own Algorithm Development Company. My expertise in algorithm development, finite state machine coding/design and advanced mathematics has made me the perfect fit for quant/mechanical trading.
As far as trading goes, I traded on the side the entire time while doing the corporate grind, mostly losing money as my emotions whipped me in and out of trades at pretty much the exact wrong time. It wasn’t until I began doing research on quant trading that I began to realize there is a better way. I signed up with tradestation and began coding very basic algorithms and quickly started to realize the power of back-testing. The bad news was that also started the “learning phase again” quickly realizing that back-testing is only a small part of the battle. I coded over well over 300 algorithms, almost all of which did poorly when applied to live trades. A few stood out as gems and those are what we offer to our customers today.
My best advice to future developers? Keep your algorithm as simple as possible. The fewer the technical indicators the better (1-2 is ideal). Be honest with yourself and try to prove your algorithm wrong. Don’t get caught up in the emotions of thinking you found the holy grail, you really didn’t because it doesn’t exist. Be skeptical of your algorithms, try to find reasons why your algorithm will fail once going live, make adjustments and then let the chips fall where they may. Always remember, don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the sufficient. The biggest temptation one faces as a trading system developer is to create the perfect algorithm. This can lead you down the path of over-optimizing your algorithms and promotes an attitude of wishful thinking.
Introduction to AlgorithmicTrading.net
Listen to this episode from 23 January 2020. Anthony Crudele interviews our founder and developer on his transition from discretionary to algorithmic trader.

AlgorithmicTrading.net Third Party Reviews
Algorithmic Trading Verified TRUSTED Business REVIEW: AlgorithmicTrading.net clients feel safe, confident, & secure when doing business with this company. They are dedicated to 100% client satisfaction, exceptional client experiences, & success. Clients have multiple outlets to voice their concerns and the company listens. Between the RipOffReports corporate advocacy program and the BBB – clients can rest assured that they will be treated fairly and with the utmost respect. Commitment to Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program benefiting consumers, ensuring complete satisfaction & confidence when doing business.
Contact AlgorithmicTrading.net
AlgorithmicTrading.net Contact Information
702 W. Idaho Street
Suite 1100
Boise, ID 83702 USA
For sales and general inquiries:
> Email Sales: sales@algorithmictrading.net