by Algorithmic Trading | May 1, 2021 | Performance Update, Video Blog
This is the month-end performance review for the Algorithms performance throughout April 2021. Lead developer reviews the trades seen on all systems, with an emphasis placed on the performance of The Phoenix Algorithm. Commodity Futures, Trading...
by Algorithmic Trading | Apr 30, 2021 | Performance Update, Video Blog
This is the weekly video blog for Week 4 of April 2021. Lead developer reviews the trades seen on all systems, with an emphasis placed on the performance of The Phoenix Algorithm. Commodity Futures, Trading Commission Futures, Derivatives, and Options...
by Algorithmic Trading | Apr 24, 2021 | Performance Update, Video Blog
This is the weekly video blog for Week 3 of April 2021. Lead developer reviews the trades seen on all systems, with an emphasis placed on the performance of The Phoenix Algorithm. This video is a bit longer, due to the in-depth review of the Momentum ES algorithm. A...
by Algorithmic Trading | Apr 18, 2021 | Performance Update, Video Blog
This is the weekly video blog for Week 2 of April 2021. Lead developer reviews the trades seen on all systems, with an emphasis placed on the performance of The Phoenix Algorithm. Commodity Futures, Trading Commission Futures, Derivatives, and Options...
by Algorithmic Trading | Apr 10, 2021 | Performance Update, Video Blog
This is the weekly video blog for Week 1 of April 2021. Lead developer reviews the trades seen on all systems, with an emphasis placed on the performance of The Phoenix Algorithm. Commodity Futures, Trading Commission Futures, Derivatives, and Options...